A Menu of Thoughts

Please let me know if this page has been a blessing to you. I sincerely hope that it has.....Barbara"


Author Unknown
Freedom From Want, Normal Rockwell

O Thou, whose eye of love
Looks on us from above
Low at thy throne
We come to thee and pray
That, gleaning day by day,
Our grateful hearts always
Thy hand may own.

Thine are the waving fields,
Thy hand the harvest yields;
And unto thee
To whom for rain and dew,
And skies of sunny blue,
Our love and praise are due,
We bend the knee.

And when beneath the trees
In fairer fields than these
Our glad feet roam,
There where the bright harps ring,
May we our gleanings bring,
And in they presence sing
Our harvest home.

Taken from An American Thanksgiving, Ideals Publishing, Nashville, Tn. 1990; pg 78-79