Christmas Eve

Beatrice Branch

Tonight some magic sets my feet
Upon a starlit village street.
Trudging up the snowy road,
I sense a gaiety, bestowed
By that expectancy I knew
When youth and I kept rendezvous
With Christmastide. Candles, bright
Against the frosted pane, invite
Me home. The welcoming "hello"
Of loved ones brings a warming glow.

That special corner by the stair
Is livened by a spruce made fair
With ropes of popcorn, candy canes,
Iced gingermen, and paper chains.
Before the bedtime hour has rung,
Familiar carols have been sung
And grandpa, once again, has told
Of the Messiah born of old.

Holding fast reality,
With gratefulness I turn the key
Within the lock that holds the past
To count the blessings there amassed.

Christmas is a time of magic."


Taken from AN AMERICAN CHRISTMAS Ideals Publications Incorporated, Nashville, Tn 1996, pages 18-19.

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